What are they?
They are formations that can be seen congenitally or later in the body, brown, red, and sometimes in skin color, and their diameters and swellings that do not give any symptoms vary according to the person.
What are types of moles?
1. Those seen with brown or black color originating from melanocytes.
2. Those seen in red originating from veins.
3. Skin-colored moles.
Why does it occur?
Some may be genetically present from birth and can be seen up to 30 years of age. But it can be occurred moles at any age. Sun rays also trigger some moles.
Should moles be feared, is every mole dangerous?
Generally, 90% of moles are benign, but moles on the human body can change over time. Mainly, the type of mole to be feared is the moles that adapt to change. For example, if the color of the mole changes, its borders become irregular and symptoms such as bleeding occur, such changes are remarkable for us.
Who are in the risk group?
People with fair skin, light eye color, those who stay under the sun for a long time or those with a family history of skin cancer are in the risk group. For this reason, people who have a family history of skin cancer, have had sunburn in childhood, have immunosuppression, have worked under the sun for a long time or have been in a solarium for a long time should be very careful. When there is the slightest change in their moles, they should definitely consult a dermatologist.
How is early diagnosis achieved?
Early diagnosis can be achieved thanks to dermoscopic review by people in the risk group from time to time, mole mapping if necessary for those with a large number of moles, and close follow-up of suspicious lesions.
What kind of treatment is applied, is it harmful to take moles?
First of all, any mole removal made with the follow-up and recommendation of the dermatologist is not harmful. Because the dermatologist first performs the dermoscopic examination and decides accordingly. Removal of a suspicious mole does not trigger cancer; contrarily, it provides diagnosis and treatment by pathological examination. On the contrary, lack of pathological examination may miss out skin cancer. That’s why the sentence “Intake of moles is hazardous” which is misunderstood by the public, is wrong. Apart from this, it is completely up to the person to remove the mole for aesthetic purposes or psychological concerns. There is no problem with that either.
What should be taken care to?
It is recommended to avoid the sun, to use high-protection sun products in vulnerable people, to keep our immune system strong, and to follow up the formation of moles frequently.